Monday, March 9, 2009

Girl With The Dragon Tattoo!

I read The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo for the library's book group (The Bookies) and LOVED it! I cannot wait for the second in this series, and may, in fact, order it from Amazon.UK. Although I would not naturally gravitate toward a story about corporate greed and dirty business dealings, the story sucked me in. Set in Sweden, the story begins with a wealthy businessman opening a birthday gift. He already knows what it is, because he receives the same gift every year, a framed, pressed flower in a frame. Above his desk hang many decades worth of the same gift. Why does he receive this gift? We don’t know, and neither does this character. We find out though, that he is a wealthy businessman whose favorite niece disappeared more than 30 years before and has never been found. He, and the rest of his family, assumes she is dead, but he hires an out of luck journalist to research his family and his niece’s fate. What this journalist finds is more disturbing than can be imagined, and very dangerous. The characters Stieg Larsson created were so thoroughly crafted - they felt truly real and three dimensional. I loved the girl with the dragon tattoo and can't wait to find out what happens to her, she was (odd as it may seem) my hero! I hope she finds happiness. I also enjoyed reading a novel set in Sweden. The locale was exotic as were some of the customs, I should have checked out a travel guide to Sweden to have at my side as I read this not-to-be missed thriller/suspense/mystery. You will miss out if you don’t pick up The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo!