Sunday, April 10, 2011

Time Lapse Videos of City Hall Construction

This is a little project of which I am very proud these days. On the request of our City Manager and our Fire Chief, we agreed to set up a Webcam and record construction on the new Mountain Brook Municipal Complex. Easier said than done, right? Well, you can see our latest video below, and you can subscribe to the YouTube channel (

Let me explain a little about how we're doing this and some of the problems we've encountered. We started off with a small Webcam connected to a laptop, running a program called YAWCAM, which stands for (and I couldn't make this up) Yet Another WebCAM. YAWCAM is a free program that allows you to record video or photographs through a Webcam. Because construction is a very slow process, we decided to record still photographs at 5 minute intervals every day and turn those photographs into time-lapse movies using YAWCAM.

We didn't just come up with this on our own. The good people at Kinetic Communications ( pointed us toward YAWCAM and the idea of doing time lapse video based on still photographs based on their experience helping Railroad Park. So, once we got started with the Webcam and the YAWCAM software, it's just a matter of making sure everything is running and capturing the pictures.

We've had a few hiccups because sometimes the computer restarts due to updates and I have to remember to restart YAWCAM. So we've missed a few days here and there. We also relocated the setup from a public area to a staff office, because some people wanted to mess with the setup and I didn't really care for that. Anyway, I wanted to share the progress with you! Enjoy the videos!

-marylyn, EOL IT Manager

New Video from City Hall Construction:

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